Honeywell Security System

The Honeywell security system must be configured to work with the Crestron Home system. Setup is performed using a Vista keypad with Alpha display (such as the Vista 6160).

NOTE: The Honeywell 4232CBM module is required in order to use Crestron Home system with a Honeywell Vista security system.


The following models are supported:

  • VISTA-128BPT
  • VISTA-15P (Firmware 9.1 or higher required)
  • VISTA-15PSIA (Firmware 9.1 or higher required)
  • VISTA-20P (Firmware 9.1 or higher required)
  • VISTA-20PSIA (Firmware 9.1 or higher required)
  • VISTA-21iP (Firmware 3.13 or higher required)
  • VISTA-21iPSIA (Firmware 3.13 or higher required)
  • VISTA-250BPT (Firmware 10.3 or higher required)

NOTE: The systems listed above support keypad emulation. They do not support an area list for systems that support areas, area control to arm or disarm the system (including storing the password on the UI device), programming area arm or disarm events, and triggering area commands from button or trigger events via scenes.


The Honeywell 4232CBM interface card should be connected to the Crestron Home system as shown below:

Crestron Home System Honeywell 4232CBM


Setup is different based on the model of the system.


NOTE: Do not include leading zeros (0) when entering values.

  1. Enter [Installer Code]+800 to enter Programming mode. For example, if the Installer Code is 1234, enter 1234+800.
  2. Press #91 to view the settings in the Options Selection menu. The Options Selection menu displays [Options] and [Call-Waiting] values. Write down the Options value that is displayed. This number will be entered in the following step.
  3. Press *91 to change the Options Selection settings. Enter [Options]+[Call-Waiting] to assign the option and call waiting values.

    • Options: Enter the Options value that was written down in the previous step.
    • Call Waiting: To enable call waiting, enter 2. To disable call waiting, enter 3.

      NOTE: The call waiting selection will only have an effect on systems with an SIA in the model number, but it must still be entered on all systems.

  4. Press #190 to view the settings in the Keypad 2 Device Address 17 menu. The Keypad 2 Device Address menu displays the [Partition-Number] and [Sound] values. Write down the Partition Number value that is displayed. This number will be entered in the following step.
  5. Press *190 to change the Keypad 2 Device Address 17 settings. Enter 5+[Sound] to set the Partition Number to Partition 1 for Remote Services Sound to the value written down in the previous step.
  6. Press #189 to view the settings in the Touch Screen Device (AUI) Enable menu. The Touch Screen Device (AUI) Enable menu displays [AUI 1], [AUI 2], [AUI 3], and [AUI 4] values. Write down the AUI 2, AUI 3, and AUI 4 values that are displayed. These numbers will be entered in the following step.
  7. Press *189 to change the Touch Screen Device (AUI) Enable settings. Enter 5+[AUI 2] + [AUI 3] + [AUI 4] to set AUI 1 to 5 and to set AUI2, AUI 3, and AUI 4 to the values that were written down in the previous step.
  8. Press *99 to exit programming mode. After the system resets, it should be ready for use with the Crestron Home system.


  1. Enter [Installer Code]+800 to enter Programming mode. For example, if the Installer Code is 1234, enter 1234+800.
  2. Press #+93 to enter Menu Mode and then press 0 until DEVICE PROG? is displayed on the screen.
  3. Press 1 to enter Device Programming mode and display the DEVICE ADDRESS screen.
  4. On the DEVICE ADDRESS screen, program address 25:

    1. Press 25 and then * to program device address 25.
    2. Press 12 to set the device type to Remote Interactive Service (RIS).
    3. Press * to return to the DEVICE ADDRESS screen.
  5. On the DEVICE ADDRESS screen, program address 5:

    1. Press 05 and then * to program address 5.
    2. Press 01 and then * to set the device type to Alpha Keypad.
    3. Press 1 and then * to assign the device to Partition 1.
    4. Press * until AUI ? is displayed on the screen. Press 1 and then * to set the device as a graphic/touch-screen keypad and return to the DEVICE ADDRESS screen.
  6. On the DEVICE ADDRESS screen, program address 6:

    1. Press 06 and then * to program address 6.
    2. Press 01 and then * to set the device type to Alpha Keypad.
    3. Press 1 and then * to assign the device to Partition 1.
    4. Press * until AUI ? is displayed on the screen. Press 1 and then * to set the device as a graphic/touch-screen keypad and return to the DEVICE ADDRESS screen.
    5. Press 00* then press 1 to exit the DEVICE ADDRESS screen.
  7. Press *99 to exit Device Programming mode. After the system resets, it will be ready for use with the Crestron Home system.

Set the Keypad Address

NOTE: The Crestron Home system communicates with the security system over address 1 and 17 for commercial installations and 5 and 6 for residential installations. Do not assign a keypad to address 1 and 17 for commercial installations and 5 and 6 for residential installations.

  1. Power up the keypad and (within 60 seconds) press and hold the 1 and 3 keys at the same time for 3 seconds. The keypad enters Address mode.
  2. Enter the two digit keypads address for the keypad.

    NOTE: The first keypad address is 16.

  3. Press * to save the keypad address and exit Address mode.

Configuring Multiple Keypads

For systems with multiple keypads, do not assign keypad address 17 to any keypad. TheCrestron Home system uses address 17 to communicate with the Honeywell system.


  • The Crestron Home system communicates with the security system over address 1 and 17 for commercial installations and 5 and 6 for residential installations. Do not assign a keypad to address 1 and 17 for commercial installations and 5 and 6 for residential installations.
  • Keypad address 16 is factory enabled and cannot be disabled. Reserve this address for physical keypads.

Check Keypad Addresses

To view the keypad address and verify that a keypad address is enabled:

  1. Enter [Installer Code]+800 to enter Programming mode. For example, if the Installer Code is 1234, enter 1234+800.
  2. Enter the #+[Keypad-Address-Code] for the Keypad Address that you want to check:

    Keypad Address Code Keypad Address
    190 17
    191 18
    192 19
    193 20
    194 21
    195 22
    196 23
  3. They keypad displays the [Partition-Number] and [Sound] values. If the partition number is 01 or higher, the keypad address is enabled. If the partition number is 00, the keypad address is disabled.

Change a Keypad Address

  1. Enter [Installer Code]+800 to enter Programming mode. For example, if the installer code is 1234, enter 1234+800.
  2. Enter *+[Keypad-Address-Code]+[Partition-Number]+[Sound] to assign a keypad address, partition number, and sound value for the keypad. The keypad beeps to confirm the entry. For example, to assign keypad address 20, partition 1, and no suppression, enter *+193+1+0:

    1. Keypad Address Code: The address for the keypad.

      Keypad Address Code Keypad Address
      190 17
      191 18
      192 19
      193 20
      194 21
      195 22
      196 23
    2. Partition Number: The partition where the keypad is located.
    3. Sound: The sound suppression value. The sound value 0 (no suppression) is common. Refer to the Honeywell documentation for the sound options.