Replace the Processor Associated with a myCrestron Domain

Replace the control processor associated with a myCrestron domain using the Crestron Home Setup app or the Text Console tool in Crestron Toolbox™ Software.

Replace Using the Crestron Home Setup App

To replace the control processor associated with a myCrestron domain using the Crestron Home Setup app:

  1. On the old processor, go to System Settings Icon Settings > System Control Options > myCrestron Dynamic DNS and then write down the domain shown for the old processor.

  2. Turn off and then disconnect the old processor from the network.
  3. Disassociate the old processor's MAC address from the myCrestron domain:

    1. Go to
    2. Find and open the domain associated with the old processor.
    3. In the Utilities section, select Clear Mac Address.
  4. On the new processor, do the following:

    1. Go to System Settings Icon Settings > System Control Options > myCrestron Dynamic DNS.

    2. Enter the domain for the old processor.

    3. Select Set Password and then enter the password.

    4. Select Register System.

Replace Using Text Console

Note: To issue console commands, use the Text Console tool in Crestron Toolbox™ software.

To replace the control processor associated with a myCrestron domain using Text Console:

  1. On the old processor, use issue the mycrestron command and then write down the myCrestron domain for the old processor.
  2. Turn off and then disconnect the old processor from the network.
  3. Disassociate the old processor's MAC address from the myCrestron domain:

    1. Go to
    2. Find and open the domain associated with the old processor.
    3. In the Utilities section, select Clear Mac Address.
  4. On the new processor, issue the mycrestron [domain] [password] command. For [domain], enter the domain name for the old processor. For [password], enter the password associated with the myCrestron domain.
  5. Issue the mycrestron command and confirm the settings.