Equipment Tab

Add equipment to the configuration and configure them using the Equipment tab.

Add Devices with Smart Search

Use the Smart Search to quickly find and add devices to the configuration. Smart Search allows one or more devices to be added to the same or different rooms in the configuration.

To add a device using Smart Search:

  1. Enter a product name into the Smart Search bar. Devices that match the model, family, function, and communication type display as the search term is entered.

  2. Select a device to add.
  3. For devices with a color option, select the model with the desired color option and then select Confirm.

  4. For wireless shade devices that require a power supply, select a power supply from the Local Power Supply drop-down menu and then select Confirm. To use a centralized power supply, select None.

  5. Enter the desired device information:
    • Location: The available rooms and enclosures are displayed. For devices that are placed in a room, select the room (or rooms) for the device. For devices that are placed in enclosures, select the enclosure (or enclosures) for the device.

      Note: If an enclosure is not available, a prompt is displayed to add an enclosure.

      Place Device in Room

      Place Device in Enclosure

    • Quantity: For each room or enclosure, enter or select the number of devices to add.
    • Assign to Gateway: To assign the device to a gateway, select a gateway from the Assign to Existing list.

      Assign to a Wireless Gateway

      Assign to a Wired Gateway

      Assign to a Shade Power Supply or Gateway

    • Add New: To add a new gateway or enclosure, select an item from the Add New list and then select a room.
  6. Select Add.

Room Management

Add a Room

To add a room using the Equipment tab:

  1. Select  Add Room.

  2. Enter the required information in the Add Room dialog:

    Note: The names for all rooms and room groups must be unique.

    • Room Name: Enter a name for the room. A list of common room names is displayed based on the entered text.

    • Room Group: To add the room to a room group, select a room group from the Room Group drop-down menu.

  3. Click + Add or press Enter on your keyboard. The Add Room dialog remains open to add more rooms. To exit, select Close.

Add a Room Group

To add a room group using the Equipment tab:

  1. Select  Add Room Group.

  2. Enter the required information in the Add Room Group dialog:

    Note: The names for all rooms and room groups must be unique.

    • Group Name: Enter a name for the room group.

    • Add Room: To add rooms to the room group, select rooms from the Add Room drop-down menu.

  3. Click + Add or press Enter on your keyboard. The Add Room Group dialog remains open to add more room groups. To exit, select Close.

Control Processor

The control processor is added to the Equipment room when the configuration is created.

Edit Control Processor Settings

Change the room assignment or serial number for the control processor.

To change the room or serial number:

  1. Select the control processor from the Equipment menu and then select the Settings tab.

  2. Update the room or serial number of the control processor.

  3. Select Apply.

Change Internal Wired and Wireless Gateway Associations

To move a wired module to a different subnet on the gateway or to a different gateway:

  1. Select the control processor from the Equipment pane and then select Internal Cresnet Gateway or Internal Wireless Gateway and then select the Association tab.

  2. Select new assignments for wired or wireless devices:


Use enclosures to mount centralized CAEN and DIN modules in the system. You can add, edit, change the enclosure layout, and remove enclosures.

Add an Enclosure

To add a an enclosure, follow these steps:

  1. Click  Add Device.
  2. Enter the required information in the Add Device dialog:

    1. Type: Select Enclosure from the drop-down menu.
    2. Model: Select Crestron CAEN Enclosures, Crestron DIN Enclosures, or Generic DIN Enclosures from the drop-down menu.

      For Generic DIN Enclosures, select the number of DIN rails in the enclosure and the number of slots for each rail.

    3. Room: Select a room from the drop-down menu.
    4. Name: Enter a name in the field.
  3. Click + Add or press Enter on your keyboard. The dialog remains open to add more devices. To exit, select Close.

Edit Enclosure Settings

Change the enclosure information, such as the name, room name, and enclosure type, after adding the enclosure.

To change the room, enclosure type, or enclosure name, follow these steps:

  1. Select an enclosure from the Equipment menu and then select the Settings tab.

  2. Update the room, model, and name of the enclosure.

    NOTE: If a different enclosure is selected from the Enclosure Type drop-down menu, it must be able to fit all of the modules that are in the enclosure. For example, if a CAEN-4X1 enclosure contains three modules, you cannot select a CAEN-2X1 enclosure. To use a smaller enclosure, first Move a Module to a Different Enclosure and then change the enclosure type.

  3. Select Apply.

Change the Enclosure Layout

Move a centralized module to a different slot within the enclosure or another enclosure in the system.

Move a Module to a Different Slot in an Enclosure

To move a module to a different slot in an enclosure, perform the following steps:

  1. Select an enclosure from the Modules & Enclosures pane.

    The Enclosure Options pane on the right of the screen displays the selected enclosure and the location of the modules in the enclosure.

  2. Click and drag a module to a new slot in the enclosure. The green box around the slot indicates the module's new location and the orange box indicates the old location.

    To swap the location of two modules, drop a module on top of another module.

Move a Module to a Different Enclosure

To move a module to a different enclosure, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the enclosure from the Equipment menu and then select the Layout tab.

  2. Select an enclosure from the Move Module drop-down menu.

  3. Click and drag a module to a slot in the different enclosure. The green box around the slot indicates the module's new location and the orange box indicates the old location.

    To swap the location of two modules, drop a module on top of another module.

  4. Click Exit.

Move a DIN Module to a Different Slot in an Enclosure

To move a DIN module to a different slot in an enclosure, perform the following steps:

  1. Select a DIN enclosure from the Equipment menu and then select the Layout tab.

  2. Click a DIN module to select it.
  3. Click an available DIN slot to place the module.

Move a DIN Module to a Different Enclosure

To move a DIN module to a different enclosure, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the DIN enclosure from the Equipment menu and then select the Layout tab.

  2. Select a DIN enclosure from the Move Module drop-down menu.

  3. Click a DIN module to select it.
  4. Click an available DIN slot to place the module.
  5. Click Exit.

Delete an Enclosure

Delete an enclosure from the configuration. When an enclosure is deleted, all data associated with the enclosure is removed from the configuration.

NOTE: Centralized modules and loads that have been added to the load schedule in the Loads tab that use the enclosure will be deleted from the configuration.

To delete an enclosure, perform the following steps:

  1. Select an enclosure from the Equipment menu and then click  Delete.
  2. Click Yes.

Wired Gateways

Use wired gateways to communicate with wired devices in the system. You can add, edit, change the wired module associations, and delete a gateway.

Add a Wired Gateway

To add a gateway:

  1. Click  Add Device.
  2. Enter the required information in the Add Device dialog:

    1. Type: Select Gateway from the drop-down menu. The CAEN-BLOCK-CENCN-2-POE, DIN-CENCN-2, DIN-CENCN-2-POE, and DIN-GWDL gateways can be selected.

    2. Model: Select a gateway type from the drop-down menu.

    3. Enclosure: Select an enclosure from the drop-down menu.

    4. Slot: Select an enclosure slot from the drop-down menu.

    5. Name: Enter a name in the box.
    6. Serial Number: Enter a serial number in the box.
  3. Click + Add or press Enter on your keyboard. The dialog remains open to add more devices. To exit, select Close.

Edit Wired Gateway Settings

Change the gateway information, such as the enclosure, enclosure slot, model, gateway name, and serial number after the module is added to the configuration.

To edit a gateway

  1. Select a gateway from the Equipment menu and then select the Settings tab.
  2. Update the enclosure, enclosure slot, model, name, and serial number for the gateway.

  3. To save the changes, select Apply.

Change Wired Gateway Associations

To move a wired module to a different subnet on the gateway or to a different gateway:

  1. Select the gateway from the Equipment pane and then select the Association tab.

  2. Select a destination subnet or gateway:

    • Different subnet on the gateway: Select Show Subnets.

    • Different gateway: Select a gateway from the Change Associations drop-down menu.

  3. In the Net drop-down menus, select a subnet for the gateway on the left and the destination subnet or gateway on the right.

    Move to a Different Subnet on the Gateway

    Move to a Different Gateway

  4. Select a device to move.

  5. To move the device, select or  Move Item(s).

Delete a Wired Gateway

When an gateway is deleted, all data associated with the gateway is removed from the configuration.

NOTE: All wired modules must be associated with a different gateway prior to deleting the gateway.

To delete a gateway:

  1. Associate all wired modules with a different wired gateway. For details, refer to Change Internal Wired and Wireless Gateway Associations.
  2. Select a gateway from the Equipment menu and then click  Delete.
  3. Click Yes.

Wireless Gateways

Use gateways to communicate with wireless devices in the system. You can add, edit, change the wireless module associations, and delete a gateway.

Add a Wireless Gateway

To add a wireless gateway:

  1. Click  Add Device.
  2. Enter the required information in the Add Device dialog:

    1. Type: Select Gateway from the drop-down menu.

    2. Model: Select a gateway type from the drop-down menu. The CEN-GWEXER, CENI-GWEXER, and CEN-GW1 gateways can be selected.

    3. Room: Select a room from the drop-down menu.
    4. Name: Enter a name in the box.
    5. Serial Number Enter a serial number in the box.
  3. Click + Add. The dialog remains open to add more devices. To exit, select Close.

Edit Wireless Gateway Settings

Change the gateway information, such as the gateway type, room, gateway name, and serial number after the module is added to the configuration.

To edit a wireless gateway:

  1. Select a gateway from the Equipment menu and then select the Settings tab.
  2. Update the room, gateway type, name, and serial number for the gateway.

  3. Select Apply.

Change Wireless Gateway Associations

To move a wireless module to a different gateway:

  1. Select the gateway from the Equipment pane and then select the Association tab.

  2. Select a gateway from the Change Associations drop-down menu.

  3. Select the devices to move and then select or  Move Item(s).

Delete a Wireless Gateway

When an gateway is deleted, all data associated with the gateway is removed from the configuration.

NOTE: All wireless modules must be associated with a different gateway prior to deleting the gateway.

To delete a wireless gateway:

  1. Associate all wireless modules with a different wireless gateway. For details, refer to Change Wireless Gateway Associations.
  2. Select a gateway from the Equipment menu and then click  Delete.
  3. Click Yes.


Use Accessories to add Cresnet hubs and distribution blocks to the system.

Add an Accessory

  1. Click  Add Device.
  2. Enter the required information in the Add Device dialog:

    1. Type: Select Accessory from the drop-down menu.

    2. Model: Select an accessory type from the drop-down menu.

    3. Enclosure: Select an enclosure from the drop-down menu.

    4. Slot: If applicable to the selected enclosure, select an enclosure slot from the drop-down menu.

    5. Name: Enter a name in the box.
    6. Serial Number: Enter a serial number in the box.
    7. Gateway: Select a Cresnet gateway to control the accessory.
    8. Net: If applicable to the selected gateway, select a subnet for the gateway from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click + Add or press Enter on your keyboard. The dialog remains open to add more devices. To exit, select Close.

Edit Accessory Settings

To edit an accessory:

  1. Select an accessory from the Equipment menu and then select the Settings tab.
  2. Update the enclosure, enclosure slot, model, name, and serial number for the gateway.

  3. To save the changes, select Apply.

Change Accessory Associations

To move a wired module to a different subnet on the gateway or to a different gateway:

  1. Select a gateway from the Equipment pane and then select the Association tab.

  2. Select a destination subnet or gateway:

    • Different subnet on the gateway: Select Show Subnets.

    • Different gateway: Select a gateway from the Change Associations drop-down menu.

  3. In the Net drop-down menus, select a subnet for the gateway on the left and the destination subnet or gateway on the right.

    Move to a Different Subnet on the Gateway

    Move to a Different Gateway

  4. Select a device to move.

  5. To move the device, select or  Move Item(s).

Delete an Accessory

When an accessory is deleted, all data associated with the accessory is removed from the configuration.

NOTE: All modules must be associated with a different accessory prior to deleting the accessory.

To delete an accessory:

  1. Associate all devices with a different accessory. For details, refer to Change Accessory Associations.
  2. Select an accessory from the Equipment menu and then click  Delete.
  3. Click Yes.


Use modules to control the lights in the system. You can add, remove, and edit in-wall and centralized modules.

NOTE: Add Placeholder devices to the configuration to include devices that do not support programming and third-party products. Placeholder devices are included when reports are generated.

Add an In-Wall Module

To add an in-wall module, perform the following steps:

  1. Click  Add Device.
  2. Enter the required information in the Add Device dialog:

    1. Type: Select Module from the drop-down menu.

    2. Model: Select a Crestron In-wall Module from the drop-down menu.

    3. Room: Select a room from the drop-down menu.
    4. Name: Enter a name in the box.
    5. Serial Number: Enter a serial number in the box.
    6. Gateway: Select a gateway from the drop-down menu.

      To add a gateway, select Add Wireless Gateway and then select the model and room for the gateway and enter a name and serial number. For details, refer to Add a Wireless Gateway.

  3. Click + Add or press Enter on your keyboard. The dialog remains open to add more devices. To exit, select Close.

Add a Centralized CAEN or DIN Module

To add a centralized CAEN or DIN module, perform the following steps:

NOTE: Add Placeholder devices to the configuration to include devices that do not support programming and third-party products. Placeholder devices are included when reports are generated.

  1. Click  Add Device.
  2. Enter the required information in the Add Device dialog:

    1. Select Module from the Type drop-down menu.

    2. Model: Select a module type from the drop-down menu. The menu is arranged by Crestron CAEN Centralized Modules, Crestron DIN Modules, Crestron In-wall Modules, and Generic DIN Modules.

    3. Enclosure: Select an enclosure from the drop-down menu and an enclosure slot from the Slot drop-down menu.
    4. Slot: Select a slot from the drop-down menu.
    5. Name: Enter a name in the box.
    6. Serial Number: Enter a serial number in the box.
  3. Click + Add or press Enter on your keyboard. The dialog remains open to add more devices. To exit, select Close.

Edit Module Settings

Change the module information, such as the module type, room name, module name, enclosure, and enclosure slot after the module is added to the configuration.

Edit In-Wall Module Settings

To edit a module, perform the following steps:

  1. Select a module from the Equipment menu and then select the Settings tab.
  2. Update the room, gateway assignment (wireless devices only), name, and serial number of the module.

    NOTE: The model (Module Type) cannot be changed.

  3. Select Apply.

Edit CAEN Module Settings

  1. Select a module from the Equipment menu and then select the Settings tab.
  2. Update the enclosure, enclosure slot, name, and serial number of the module.

    NOTE: The model (Module Type) cannot be changed.

  3. Select Apply.

Edit DIN Module Settings

  1. Select a module from the Equipment menu and then select the Settings tab.
  2. Update the enclosure, slot range, name, and serial number of the module.

    NOTE: The model (Module Type) cannot be changed.

  3. Select Apply.

Delete a Module

Delete a module from the configuration. When a module is deleted, all data that is associated with the module is removed from the configuration.

NOTE: Loads in the Loads tab that use the module will be deleted from the configuration.

To delete a module, perform the following steps:

  1. Select an module from the Equipment menu and then click  Delete.
  2. Click Yes.

Assign Loads to Modules

After loads and modules are added to the system, assign loads to modules.

To view a list of compatible modules and load types, refer to Module and Load-Type Compatibility.

The Module Options pane on the right of the screen displays the module information and the available loads.

  • Name: Displays the name of the selected module.
  • Output assignment: Displays the output for the selected module. The output assignment displays the room name, load, and fixture wattage of the load that is assigned to the module. If a load is not assigned to a module, the output displays Unassigned.


    • The number of outputs that are displayed is based on the number of outputs available on the module. For example, an HZ-DIMUEX lists one output and a CLX-1FAN4 lists four outputs.
    • The first unassigned output is selected.
  • Loads: Displays a list of rooms and loads that are in the configuration; the loads are grouped by room. The list displayed is based on the filter criteria. The room that is associated with the selected module is expanded. For example, if the selected module is in the Dining Room, the list of loads in the dining room are expanded and the list of loads in all other rooms are collapsed.
  • Assigned loads: Displays the total number of loads in the configuration and the number of loads that have been assigned to modules.
  • Filters:

    • Loads: Displays the number of loads that match the filter criteria.
    • Compatible Loads: To view only loads that are compatible with the selected module, turn on the Compatible Loads toggle. When the Compatible Loads toggle is off, all loads are displayed; incompatible loads are grayed out and cannot be assigned to the module.

      NOTE: The Compatible loads toggle is turned on by default.

    • Text Filter: Enter text to display loads that match the text entry.
    • Unassigned Loads/All Loads Drop-down: Select Unassigned Loads to view loads that are not assigned to a module. Select All Loads to view all loads in the configuration.

      NOTE: The default setting for the Unassigned Loads/All Loads Drop-down is Unassigned loads.

Assign Loads to In-Wall Modules

To assign a load to an in-wall module, perform the following steps:

  1. Select an in-wall module from the Equipment lists and then select Assignment.

  2. Select an Output assignment for the module.
  3. Select a load from the Loads menu.

Assign Loads to Centralized Modules

To assign a load to a centralized module, perform the following steps:

  1. Select an in-wall module from the Equipment lists and then select Assignment.

  2. Select an Output assignment for the module.
  3. Select a load from the Loads menu.

Shade Groups

Add shade groups to control all shades in the group as if they were one shade.


  • Empty shade groups will not transfer over to the processor when the system is deployed.
  • Shades and shade groups created using the Add Shading Group function cannot be edited within the Crestron Home Setup app after the system is deployed. To update the shade group, use the Crestron Home Configurator to update the shade group and then redeploy the system.
  • Shade groups created by assigning facing and material information.
  • Shades and shade groups configured using Crestron Home Configurator operate independently from shades and shade groups configured using the Crestron Home Setup app.

To create a shade group:

  1. Select  Add Shading Group.
  2. Enter the required information for the group.

    • Name: Enter a name in the box.

    • Room: Select a room from the drop-down menu.

    • Shading Devices: Select shades to add to the group.


Use thermostats to control the temperature in the system.

Add a Thermostat

To add a thermostat:

  1. Click  Add Device.
  2. Enter the required information in the Add Device dialog. For devices that are mounted in an enclosure, enclosure information is included instead

    1. Type: Select Thermostat from the drop-down menu.

    2. Model: Select a thermostat from the drop-down menu.

    3. Device: If the thermostat has color options, select a device from the drop-down menu.

    4. Room: Select a room from the drop-down menu.
    5. Enclosure: Available only when the selected device is mounted in an enclosure. Select an enclosure from the drop-down menu.

    6. Slot: Available only when the selected device is mounted in an enclosure. Select an enclosure slot from the drop-down menu.

    7. Name: Enter a name in the box.
    8. Serial Number: Enter a serial number in the box.
    9. Gateway: Available only when the selected device is connected to the system using a gateway. Select a gateway from the drop-down menu.

      To add a gateway, select Add Wireless Gateway and then select the model and room for the gateway and enter a name and serial number. For details, refer to Add a Wireless Gateway.

  3. Click + Add or press Enter on your keyboard. The dialog remains open to add more devices. To exit, select Close.

Thermostat Settings

To edit thermostat settings:

  1. Select a thermostat from the Equipment menu and then select the Settings tab.
  2. In the About section, update the room, gateway or accessory assignment, name, and serial number of the module.

    NOTE: The Device and Model fields cannot be changed.

  3. In the Additional section, update the settings for the device.

    NOTE: All settings are not available for all device types.

    1. Enable Fan Control: To hide the fan controls on the user interface, turn off Enable Fan Control.

    2. Voice Control Enabled Status: Turn on or off to enable or disable voice control services.

      NOTE: To use voice control, voice control services must be turned on and configured. For details, refer to Voice Control Settings.

    3. Voice Control Description: Enter a descriptive name for the device. The name is used by the voice control services.

Thermostat Schedule

To create a scheduled thermostat event:

  1. Select a thermostat from the Select a Thermostat menu. The list of scheduled events for the selected thermostat is displayed.

  2. Select Add Event.

  3. Configure the event settings:

    • Event Name: Enter a descriptive name for the event.
    • Enable Event: Select the box next to the Event Name to enable the event.
    • Time: Set a time for the event.
    • Days: Select the days that the event should occur.
    • Set points: Select the temperature set points for Cool , Heat , and Auto  modes using the appropriate spinner menu.

Thermostat Sensor Assignments

To assign a sensor to a thermostat

  1. Select a thermostat from the Equipment menu and then select the Assignment tab.
  2. Select a temperature sensor input

    NOTE: The Device and Model fields cannot be changed.

  3. Select a sensor from the Sensors list.


Use Sensors to add temperature, humidity, light, and occupancy sensors to the system.

Add a Sensor

To add a sensor:

  1. Click  Add Device.
  2. Enter the required information in the Add Device dialog:

    • Type: Select Sensor from the drop-down menu.

    • Device: Select a sensor from the drop-down menu.

    • Model: If the sensor has color options, select a model from the drop-down menu.

    • Room: Select a room from the drop-down menu.
    • Name: Enter a name in the box.
    • Serial Number: Enter a serial number in the box.
    • Gateway: Available only when the selected device is connected to the system using a gateway. Select a gateway from the drop-down menu.

      To add a gateway, select Add Gateway and then select the model and room for the gateway and enter a name and serial number. For details, refer to Add a Wireless Gateway.

  3. Click + Add or press Enter on your keyboard. The dialog remains open to add more devices. To exit, select Close.

Sensor Settings

To edit sensor settings:

  1. Select a sensor from the Equipment menu and then select the Settings tab.
  2. In the About section, update the information for the device.

    NOTE: The Device and Model fields cannot be changed.

  3. In the Additional section, update the settings for the device.

    NOTE: All settings are not available for all device types.

    • Timeout: Tap the Timeout tab to configure the occupancy sensor timeout. Select the timeout value from the list of timeout values. To use the timeout setting that is configured on the occupancy sensor, select the Use Local Timeout from the Current Timeout list.NOTE: The Timeout tab for some occupancy sensors, such as the GLS-ODT-C-POE, displays a text field to enter timeout value (between 5 and 1,800 seconds) for the occupancy sensor.
    • Interrupt Settings:

      NOTE: Touch screens that do not have speakers display the interrupt messages but cannot play the associated sound.

      • Enable Interrupts: To enable or disable the interrupt for the device, select Enabled. When an interrupt is enabled, it is displayed in the Crestron Home user interface.
      • Interupt Message: The message that is displayed on the user interface device when the interrupt occurs. The default interrupt message is "[Device Name] in [Room Name]." For example, "Occupancy Sensor in Living Room."

        To display a custom message, enter the message in the field.

      • Bypass Do Not Disturb: Select to override the Do Not Disturb setting for the room and play the chime for the interrupt.
    • Hide Device from Health Dashboard: To hide the device from the health dashboard, select Hide device from Health Dashboard.

Room Settings

To view the room settings, select a room. The Devices list displays a list of devices in the room. You can change the room name, edit the serial numbers, and add devices.

Change the Room Name

To change the room name, enter a name in the Room Name box and then click Apply.

Change the Serial Number

To change the serial number for a device:

  1. Select Edit and then enter a serial number in the Serial Number box.

  2. Click Update.

Add Devices

Add enclosures, modules, gateways, power supplies, and accessories to the room from the Room Settings screen.

To add devices:

  1. Select Add Enclosure, Add Module, Add Gateway, Add Power Supply, Add Accessory, Add Sensor, Add Shading, or Add Thermostat.

  2. Enter the required information.
  3. Click + Add. The dialog remains open to add more devices. To exit, select Close.