Occupancy Sensor Events

Configure the occupancy sensor to associate actions with occupancy events.

To assign actions to occupancy sensor events:

  1. Select an occupancy sensor from the list of devices.
  2. Tap the Occupancy, Grace Occupancy, or Vacancy.

    Note: The Basalte Auro occupancy sensor does not support Grace Occupancy programming events. If actions are assigned for the Grace Occupancy event, they will not trigger.

  3. Select the action mode type from the Mode drop-down menu:

    NOTE: Other configuration options may be provided depending on the selected mode.

    • None: No action is performed when the occupancy event occurs.
    • Scene: A scene is recalled when the occupancy event occurs.
    • Quick Action: A quick action is recalled when the occupancy event occurs.
    • Media Function:Audio Function: Recalls a media function.
    • External Function: Recalls a function that is defined by an external control system.
  4. When Scene is selected from the Mode drop-down menu, select a function from the Button Behavior drop-down menu.

    • Always Recalls Scene: A scene is recalled when the event occurs.
    • Toggles Scene/Off: Press the button to turn the scene on or off.
    • Custom Toggle: Each button press switches between the on actions or off actions.
  5. When Scene is selected from the Mode drop-down menu, select Enable Time of Day Actions to recall a different scene during the Morning, Day, Evening, and Night. Select a scene for each time period.
  6. Select scenes to recall when the event occurs. When a room is expanded, the scenes in the room are displayed.

    Climate scenes are listed in the Whole House room.

    If Enable Time of Day Actions is selected, select scenes for the Morning, Day, Evening, and Night time periods.

    NOTE: Only rooms that contain selectable actions appear on the Select Room Below menu. Once an action is selected from a room, the room name is shown with blue text in the Select Room Below menu.