Quick Actions

Recall a series of scenes, media functions, Lutron button scenes, external functions, or sequences using Quick Actions.

To configure Quick Actions, go to Customize & Schedule > Customize Actions & Events > Select a Room >  Quick Actions.

NOTE: When creating Quick Actions, consider the following:

  • The Crestron Home app displays 20 Quick Actions per room.
  • The first 20 Quick Actions in the room, in alphabetical order, are displayed in the Crestron Home app.
  • Quick Actions in the Whole House room are displayed on the Home tab of the Crestron Home app.
  • If a room displays a Quick Action that was created in a different room, the Quick Action is displayed at the end of the list of Quick Actions. These Quick Actions are displayed in alphabetical order by room name and then by Quick Action name.

Quick Action Settings

Select the Settings tab to configure the voice control and call screen settings.

Voice Control Settings

Use the Voice Control Settings to configure the voice control settings.

NOTE: To use voice control, voice control services must be turned on and configured. For details, refer to Voice Control Settings.

  • Enable Status: Select Enable or Disable to turn voice control services on or off.
  • Global Voice Command: Available for Whole House Quick Actions only. Recall the Quick Action using a voice command. To use a Global Voice Command, select Home, Away, Good Morning, or Good Night. A command can only be selected once in the system. The default selection is None. To use the Global Voice Command say, "Alexa, tell Crestron [Global Voice Command]". For example, "Alexa, tell Crestron Good Morning."

Call Screen

Add the Quick Action to an intercom call screen on a touch screen. The default setting for new Quick Actions is to not show the Quick Action.

To show the Quick Action on an intercom call screen, select Call Screen Visible.

NOTE: Quick Actions created in Crestron Home version 3.017.0098 and earlier will have Call Screen Visible selected to maintain the existing functionality in the system.

Create a Quick Action

Select Quick Actions from the Select an Item menu to display a configuration screen for the Quick Action.

  1. Select a room from the Select a Room menu.
  2. Tap Quick Actions from the Select an Item menu.

  3. Tap  Add Quick Action.

  4. Enter a name for the Quick Action.
  5. Select OK.

Display a Quick Action in Different Rooms

The Quick Action can be configured so that it is available in different rooms around the house. When the Quick Action is displayed in a different room, it can be recalled by a user interface device that is located in the selected room(s).

Tip: To hide a Quick Action, deselect all rooms. A hidden Quick Action can be accessed by other programming features.

To display Quick Actions in other rooms:

  1. Select a Quick Action and then select  Show Quick Action.
  2. Select the rooms that should display the Quick Action.

  3. Tap OK.

Delete a Quick Action

To delete a Quick Action:

  1. In the Quick Actions menu, select a Quick Action.
  2. Select  Delete and then OK to confirm.

Configure a Quick Action

To configure a Quick Action:

  1. In the Quick Actions menu, select a Quick Action and then select the Actions tab.

  2. Select a mode from the Mode drop-down menu. The mode determines the type of action that is recalled by the Quick Action. For details, refer to Quick Action Modes.

Quick Action Modes

These Quick Action modes are available:


Select Scene from the Mode drop-down menu to recall a scene when the Quick Action is recalled.

NOTE: The Toggles Scene/Off and Custom Toggle options are disabled in the Behavior drop-down menu.

Enable Time of Day Actions: Recall a different scene based on the time of day.

NOTE: To configure the time periods, refer to Current Times of Day.

To assign a different scene for the morning, day, evening, and night time periods:

  1. Select Enable Time of Day Actions.
  2. Select Morning, Day, Evening, or Night and then select scenes from the Actions menu. Select a scene for all time periods. If scenes are not selected for a time period, no action will be performed when the Quick Action is recalled during the time period.

Media Function

Select Media Function from the Mode drop-down menu to recall a media function when the Quick Action is recalled.

Button Emulation

Select Button Emulation from the Mode drop-down menu to emulate a button on a Lutron keypad when the Quick Action is recalled.


  • To emulate multiple Lutron buttons, create a phantom button in the Lutron system that performs all of the required functions. Assign the phantom button to the Quick Action.
  • To emulate a Lutron button and a function within Crestron Home, create a sequence that recalls the Lutron button and the Crestron Home function. For details, refer to Sequence.

External Function

Select External Function from the Mode drop-down menu to recall an external function when the Quick Action is recalled.


Select Sequence from the Mode drop-down menu to recall a series of actions when the Quick Action is recalled.

Items that can be included in a sequence:

  • Audio Servers
  • AVRs
  • Blu-ray Players
  • Cable Boxes
  • Displays
  • Do Not Disturb
  • Extension Drivers
  • Horizon Keypads
  • Lighting Loads
  • Lighting Scenes
  • Media Scenes
  • Multiple Displays
  • Streaming Service Profiles
  • Quick Actions
  • Relay Controlled Devices
  • Scheduled Events
  • Shade Groups
  • Shade Loads
  • Shade Scenes
  • Video Servers



  • If a device (or a room) is deleted from the system, all steps associated with the device (or room) in all sequences will be removed.
  • An exclamation mark is displayed if the source route is broken after it is added to the sequence.

Select Room Below Menu

The Select Room Below menu displays rooms with items that can be included in a sequence. The configured rooms contain sequence items specific to the room and Whole House room contains sequence items specific to the whole house.

To add a step:

  1. In the Select Room Below menu, select a room.

  2. Select a function. The functions are organized by Lighting Scenes, Shade Scenes, Media Scenes, Media Operations, Quick Actions, and Devices. Tap the Whole House room to view the commands that are available for the whole house. The commands are organized by Lighting Scenes, Shade Scenes, Media Scenes, Quick Actions, and Scheduled Events.

    Room Functions

    Whole House Functions

Sequence Lists Menu

Displays the steps in the sequence and provides sequence control options. Each step in the sequence displays information about step such as the room name, device type, settings, and the action that is performed.

The Sequence menu provides the following sequence control buttons:

Add Delay: Add a delay step to the sequence.

Add Random Delay: Add a delay step to the sequence that lasts for a random period of time.

Add If Statement: Add step to the sequence that triggers if the specified conditions are met.

Play Sequence: Play the entire sequence.

Play Step: Play individual steps in the sequence.

Delete Step: Delete a step in the sequence.

Add a Step

  1. Select an action from the Select Room Below menu and then tap  Add Step.

  2. If the action requires a value to be set, enter the required data in the dialog that is displayed and then tap OK.

  3. The step is added to the sequence. Each step displays information about the step such as the room name, device type, settings, and the action that is performed.

Sequence Functions

These sequence functions are available:

  • Lighting and Shade Scenes: Displays the lighting or shade scenes that are available in the room.


    • Scenes that are created in a room and hidden (no rooms selected in the Show Scenes In dialog) are displayed in the list.
    • Scenes are only displayed in the room that they are created. Scenes that are displayed in another room using the Show Scenes In dialog when creating the scene will not be shown.
    • The sequence that is being created is not displayed in the Quick Actions menu.
  • Media Scenes: Displays the media scenes that are available in the room.

  • Media Operations: Displays the media controls that are available in the room. Media operations include routing a source to a room, sending source commands to an active source, and sending room level commands to a room.

    • Route: Displays the sources that can be routed to the room. Media sources provided by Smart TVs are also displayed.

      NOTE: Sources are displayed in the Route menu even if they are deselected in the Allowed Sources menu during Source Route configuration.

    • Source: Displays source commands that can be sent to the active media source. For example, commands can be sent for source control (for example, play, pause, shuffle), menu navigation (guide, menu, back, up/down/left/right), and channel control.

      NOTE: The Crestron Home system directs the command to the active media source. If there are no active media sources, the command is not sent to any device.

    • Room Commands: Displays the room-level commands that are available for the room. For example, volume raise or lower, sleep timer, and room on or off commands.
  • Room Operations: Displays the Do Not Disturb actions that are available in the room.

  • Quick Actions: Displays the Quick Actions that are available in the room.


    • Quick Actions that are created in a room and hidden (no rooms selected in the Show Quick Action In dialog) are displayed in the list.
    • Quick Actions are only displayed in the room that they are created. Quick Actions that are displayed in another room using the Show Quick Action In dialog when creating the Quick Action will not be shown.
    • The sequence that is being created is not displayed in the Quick Actions menu.
    • A sequence Quick Action can be added as a step in a different sequence Quick Action. For example, Sequence Quick Action A can be added as a step in Sequence Quick Action B.
    • A sequence Quick Action cannot be added as a step in a different sequence Quick Action if a loop will occur. For example, if Sequence Quick Action A was added as a step in Sequence Quick Action B, Sequence Quick Action B cannot be added as a step in Sequence Quick Action A.
  • Scheduled Events: Displays the scheduled events that can be enabled or disabled.

  • Devices: Displays the devices in the room that can be directly controlled, such as lighting loads, shades, shade groups, Blu-Ray players, cable boxes, video servers, displays, Horizon keypads, relay controlled devices, and AVRs.


    • The Crestron Home system always directs the command to the selected device even if it is not the active device. For example, you can issue the Send Keypad String command for a cable box even though the cable box is not the active source in the room.
    • Sources are displayed in the menu even if they are deselected in the Allowed Sources menu during Source Route configuration.
    • Relay controlled devices include fireplace, fountain, garage door, gate, irrigation, screen, and lift relays. The function available in the sequence (toggle open/close, toggle on/off, on, off, open, and close) is determined by the settings for the device.
    • The color and brightness settings can be changed on Horizon keypads.

Edit a Step

To edit a step in a sequence:

  1. Tap a step in the in the Sequence List menu.

  2. Enter the required data in the dialog that is displayed.

    Example Dialog Box - Set Volume

  3. Tap OK.

Add a Delay Step

Use a delay to temporarily pause the sequence between steps for a defined amount of time. Use a Delay to pause the sequence for a set period of time or a Random Delay to pause the sequence for a variable amount of time between the minimum an maximum set time.

Random Delays can be used to create a Vacation mode. For details, refer to Vacation Scheduler.

NOTE: Timed action steps and delays run concurrently. For example:

  • If two lighting load actions are added with 5 second fade times, the loads will fade to their brightness settings at the same time.
  • If two lighting load actions are added with 5 second fade times and a 10 second delay is added between the steps, the second lighting load action begins 10 seconds after the first lighting load starts to dim.

To add a delay step:

  1. Tap  Add Delay or  Add Random Delay.

  2. Enter the duration of the delay:

    • Delay: The delay will occur for a defined period of time. Set the delay time in the Duration (s) box.

    • Random Delay: The delay will occur for a variable amount of time between two defined points. Set the minimum and maximum delay time in the Min Duration (s) and Max Duration (s) boxes. The Max Duration(s) time must be greater than or equal to the Min Duration (s) time.

  3. Tap OK. The random delay step is added to the sequence. The step displays the range for the length of the delay in seconds.

    Delay in Sequence

    Random Delay in Sequence

Add an If Statement

Use an If Statement to add an action to the sequence that only triggers if the specified conditions are met.

Note: If Statements often utilize Variables. For more information, refer to Variables.

To add an If Statement:

  1. Tap If Statement.

  2. Select a condition from the Select Target drop-down menu

    Options for conditions include Variables and a wide array of events based on the devices in the system. Some examples include:

    • Room occupancy status

    • Light level

    • Room temperature or humidity

    • Media Zone Events

    • Time of day

  3. If present, use the Operator drop-down menu to select an operator from the following list: 

    • =: Equals

    • !=: Does not equal

    • <: Less than

    • <=: Less than or equal to

    • >: Greater than

    • >=: Greater than or equal to

    Note: Some conditions do not have a selectable operator or may have a limited list of options.

  4. Enter or select a Value. Possible selections depend on the type of the condition. Common options include True/False and a numerical value.

    In the example above, the If Statement currently reads: If the Volume in the Theater is greater than or equal to 80...

  5. Tap OK to return to the sequence with the If Statement added to it. More complex If Statements can be created with the Expression Editor.

  6. Under the If Statement, tap Select to add programming here and then tap the action that should trigger when the condition is met.

    In the example above, if the Volume in the Theater is greater than or equal to 80, the volume will be lowered.

  7. If desired, an Else action can added. Tap Select to add programming here under Else and then tap the action that should trigger when the condition is not met.

  8. If desired, an End If action can be added. Tap Select to add programming here under End If and then tap the action that should cause this sequence to end.

    In the example above, this sequence will end if the Theater Room Off action is triggered.

Expression Editor

The Expression Editor can be used to make complex If Statements involving multiple conditions.

To use the Expression Editor:

  1. After creating the first condition for the If Statement, select Expression Editor. The first condition appears the top of the list.

    • Tap the to delete the condition.

    • Tap the to edit the condition.

      In the example above, the If Statement currently reads: If the Current Temperature of the Thermostat is less than 71...

  2. In the upper right of the screen, Tap And or Or.

    • And: The actions following the If Statement will only trigger if all of these conditions are met.

    • Or: The actions following the If Statement will trigger if any of these conditions are met.

  3. Tap Add Expression to add additional conditions as described in Add an If Statement.

  4. Tap OK to add the additional condition.

    In the example above, the If Statement currently reads: If the Current Temperature of the Thermostat is less than 71 or is greater than 78...

  5. Tap OK to add the If Statement to the sequence.

Select a Streaming Service Account Profile and Preset

Streaming service profiles are available for streaming services set up on a DM-NAX-8ZSA.

To select a streaming service account profile and preset:

  1. Select a room and then select Media Operations.
  2. Select + Route.
  3. Select a streaming service that uses profiles from the Source drop-down menu.

  4. Select an account and preset from the Account and Preset drop-down menus. Select Current Profile from the Account drop-down to select the profile that is currently playing or was last played. Select Currently Playing from the Preset drop-down to select the preset that is currently playing or was last played.

  5. Select OK.

Reorder the Steps

To reorder the steps in a sequence:

  1. Tap and hold a step until it turns green (about 3 seconds).

  2. Drag the step to the desired location in the sequence and then release the step.

Delete a Step

To delete steps in a sequence:

  1. To enter Delete mode, tap  Delete step. The Delete Step button turns blue.

  2. To delete a step, tap  Delete and then tap Yes.

  3. To exit Delete mode, tap  Delete. The Delete button and the icons next to the sequence steps return to the original state.

Test the Sequence

Test the sequence to make sure that it functions properly. To test the sequence, you can play all steps in the sequence or individual steps in the sequence.

  • To play all steps in the sequence, tap  Play Sequence.
  • To play a single step in the sequence, follow these steps:
    1. To enter Play Step mode, tap  Play Step. The Play Step button turns blue.
    2. To play a step, tap  Play.
    3. To exit Play Step mode, tap  Play Step. The Play Step button and the icons next to the sequence steps return to the original state.