Crestron Wired and Wi-Fi Devices

Add Crestron Wired and Wi-Fi® devices to the Crestron Home system.

NOTES: When adding SONNEX and DigitalMedia switchers, endpoints and expanders cannot be added to the system after the Crestron Home system discovers the switcher.

  • SONNEX: Verify that all endpoints, expanders, and SWAMP extenders are connected, wired, and powered on before adding the Audio Switcher to the system. Endpoints, expanders, and SWAMP extenders cannot be added to the system after the Audio Switcher is discovered.

    If an endpoint or expander is connected after the Audio Switcher is added to the system: The Audio Switcher must be deleted from the system and then re-added. All programming for the Audio Switcher will be lost and will need to be reprogrammed.

  • DM Switchers: Verify that all DM input cards, output cards, and room boxes are connected, wired, and powered on before adding the DigitalMedia Switcher to the system. DM input cards, output cards, and room boxes cannot be added after the Crestron Home system discovers the DigitalMedia switcher.

    If a DM Input Card, Output Card, or Room Box is Added after the DM Switcher is Added to the System: The DM Switcher must be deleted from the system and then re-added. All programming for the DigitalMedia Switcher will be lost and will need to be reprogrammed.

Add Crestron Wired and Crestron Wi‑Fi Network Device to a Room

To add Crestron wired and Crestron Wi‑Fi® network devices to a room:


  • Cresnet devices are automatically assigned a Cresnet ID when they are discovered by the Crestron Home system.
  • Cresnet devices that require the Cresnet ID to be set manually using dials on the device (for example, the C2N-IO and GLS-SIM) must have their Cresnet ID set manually. A dialog is displayed that lists the device name, serial number, and the Cresnet ID that the device should be set to.
  • After a TSW‑xx60 series touch screen or compatible handheld remote is added to the system, the Crestron Home user interface is loaded to the device.
  1. In the Select a room menu, select a room for the device.

  2. In the Device Types menu, select Crestron Wired and Wi‑Fi.

  3. Select Ethernet and Wi-Fi or Internal Cresnet Gateway from the Crestron Wired and Wi‑Fi menu. The system scans the network for unpaired devices and displays the devices in the Ethernet and Wi-Fi or Internal Cresnet Gateway menu.

    To add a device from a different VLAN or subnet, refer to Crestron Wired and Wi-Fi Devices.

    NOTE: If necessary, tap Rescan to rescan the selected network for any unpaired devices.

  4. In the Ethernet and Wi-Fi or Internal Cresnet Gateway menu, select a device and then select  Add.


    • Tap  Locate to turn on the location feature for the device (if supported), which is used to locate the device in the room.
    • To discover and add Legacy Devices (TSW-xx52 touch screens, CEN-TRACK AM/FM/XM devices, and Remote Trigger and Listen modules), the Legacy Device Port must be enabled. For details, refer to Local Connection Settings.
    • Some Crestron wired and Crestron Wi‑Fi® network devices require a static IP address. A popup displays when this is required.
    • If adding a wired device with connected outputs, such as a SWAMP series audio expander or a DM‑MD series video switcher, tap the device (represented by a folder icon) to view all of the available outputs that may be added to a room.

  5. If prompted, create a Common Device Password for the Crestron Home processor and then select OK. The username is "chdevice". The Create a Common Device Password dialog is displayed when the Common Device password is not created in the control processor settings.

  6. If prompted, enter admin credentials for the device and then select OK. The Please Enter Device Credentials dialog is displayed when an administrator-level user exists on the gateway. The credentials are required to add the "chdevice" user to the device.


    • Entering device credentials is typically required for devices where the first connection was made using Crestron Toolbox™ software or the Web UI and login credentials were created.
    • If the "chdevice" user exists on the device, consider the following:

      • The device password matches the Common Device Password set in the Crestron Home system, there will not be a prompt for device credentials.

      • The device password does not match the Common Device Password set in the Crestron Home system, the password on the device will be changed to the password set on the Crestron Home system.

  7. Enter a name for the device and then select OK.

    NOTES: When adding a DM NVX® device:

    • A pop‑up dialog box is displayed that prompts the user to enter the device username and password. Enter the required credentials, and then tap OK. For new DM NVX® devices, the default username and password are both "admin."
    • Select whether the device will be configured as a receiver (audio input or output) or as a transmitter (audio input or output).
    • For more information on configuring a DM NVX® device on the network, refer to
  8. Configure the device after it is added to the room. Tap  Settings next to the device name to display a Settings dialog box. For details, refer to Device Settings.

Discoverable Addresses

Use the Discoverable Addresses to add devices from a different VLAN or subnet. A single address or an address range can be added.

Add an IP Address

To add an address:

  1. In the Ethernet and Wi-Fi menu, select Discoverable Addresses.

  2. Enter the IP Address details for the VLAN or subnet and then select Add.

    • Address: Enter an IP address. The IP address can be a single address or the start of an IP address range. To add a single IP address, do not enter an End IP Address.
    • End IP Address: Enter the last octet in the IP address range.
  3. Select OK.

Delete an IP Address

To delete an address, select an address and then  Delete.

Remove a Crestron Wired and Crestron Wi‑Fi Network Device

To remove a Crestron Wired and Crestron Wi‑Fi device from a room:

  1. Select a Crestron Wired or Crestron Wi‑Fi device.
  2. Select < Remove.