Control Lights

Control the lights in the room using the Room View screen or Lights Control screen.

To turn the lights on and off from the Room View, tap On or Off on the Lights tile. The controls on the Lights tile recalls the All On and All Off scenes.

To open the light controls for the room, tap anywhere on the Lights tile.

Widget Navigation and Status

All Off Some On All On
Partial Offline Offline


The Lights Control screen displays the light controls for the room:

  • Primary Controls: Turns all lights on or off.
  • Scenes: Recall a predefined set of lighting levels.
  • All Lights: Controls for all lights in the room.
  • Controls: Individual controls for each light in the room.


Tap a scene to recall the lighting scene.

Light scenes can be created by the Crestron Home dealer or the homeowner.

NOTES: For Crestron Home systems that include Lutron lighting controls:

  • The Crestron Home user interface does not provide individual load control and load feedback for RA2 Select systems.
  • If a Lutron scene controls a light and a shade, recalling the lighting scene also controls the shades.

The room may contain these default scenes:

  • All On: Turns all lights in the room on. The default configuration includes all lights in the room and sets the lights to On (100%). The All On scene can be modified to include lights in different rooms or to set the lights to a different brightness level. This scene can be hidden or shown in other rooms.
  • All Off: Turns all lights in the room off. The default configuration includes all lights in the room and sets the lights to Off (0%). The All Off scene can be modified to include lights in different rooms or to set the lights to a different brightness level. This scene can be hidden or shown in other rooms.
  • Circadian scene: Available when any light in the room is included in the Circadian lighting settings. When active, the lights adjust according to the levels defined in the Circadian settings. For dimmable lights, the light intensity is adjusted. For tunable lights, the color temperature and intensity is adjusted. For details, refer to Settings.
  • SolarSync scene: Available when tunable lights and a SolarSync® outdoor daylight and color temperature sensor (GLS-LCCT) is included in the installation. When active, the lights adjust the color temperature to match the outdoor color temperature values provided by the sensor. The intensity of the lights adjust according to the levels defined in Circadian settings. If the outdoor light levels are low (for example, it is night time or significant cloud cover is blocking the sun), the color temperature defined in Circadian settings is used.

Light Controls

Use the All Lights menu or Controls menu to control the lights.

Note: For light controllers that support override mode, consider the following:

  • When Override mode is active, the intensity for all lights is set to their defined override levels and the lights cannot be controlled.
  • If the light intensity is changed when Override mode is active, the interface displays the changes but the lights will not be controlled. After exiting Override mode, the intensity shown on the interface and the actual intensity of the light levels will be out of sync. The levels will synchronize when the light is controlled.

All Lights

Use the All Lights menu to adjust all lights in the room at the same time.

All Lights Control

All Lights Control with Color Tuning

These controls are available:

  • Brighter +
    • Tap Brighter + to raise the lights in the room in 1% increments. If a light is off (0%), it will be turned on. If a light is at 100%, the light level remains unchanged.
    • Tap and hold Brighter + to ramp the light level up. If a light is off (0%), it will be turned on. If a light is at 100%, the light level remains unchanged.
  • Dimmer -

    • Tap Dimmer - to lower the lights in the room in 1% increments. If a light is at 1%, it will be turned off (0%). If a light is at 0% (off), the light level remains unchanged.
    • Tap and hold Dimmer - to ramp the light level down. If a light reaches 1%, it will pause briefly and then turn off (0%). If a light is at 0%, the light level remains unchanged.
  • Warmer

    • Tap Warmer to lower the color temperature in increments of 100. Adjust the color temperature of the lights between 1650K (warmer, amber) and 8000K (cooler, white).
    • Tap and hold Warmer to ramp the color temperature down.
  • Cooler

    • Tap Cooler to increase the color temperature in increments of 100. Adjust the color temperature of the lights between 1650K (warmer, amber) and 8000K (cooler, white).
    • Tap and hold Cooler to ramp the color temperature up.


Use the Controls menu to adjust individual lights in the room.

Lights Control (Left) with Color Tuning (Right)


Lights Control with Color Tuning

Each load displays the current load information

  • Dimmable load: Shows the intensity information for the load.
  • Switched load: Shows the intensity information for the load.
  • Tunable white load: Shows the color temperature and intensity information for the load.
  • Full color tuning: Shows the hue, color temperature, and intensity information for the load.

These controls are available:

  • Toggle: Tap to turn the lights on (100%) and off (0%).
  • Slider: Drag the slider to set the intensity of the lights.
  • Color control: Tap the color control to change the color of the lights. These settings are retained temporarily. The defined settings are restored when the lights are turned off and then on again.

Create a Scene

To create a lighting scene:

  1. Open the  Scenes menu. If prompted, enter the Advanced User Password.

  2. Select Create new.

  3. The Create new scene menu opens.

  4. To name the scene or select a scene icon, tap the My Scene button:

    • Name the scene: Tap the scene and then enter a name.

    • Select the scene icon: Select an icon from the list of icons.

    • To save and exit, press  back.

  5. To configure the lights for the scene, select Add lights or select a light in the list of rooms:

    • Select lights: Select or deselect a light to include or remove the light from the scene. By default, all lights in the room are included in the scene.
    • Set light levels: Use the slider to set the intensity of the light or the toggle switch to turn the light off or full on. To adjust the intensity for all lights in the room, tap or tap and hold Dimmer or Brighter.
    • Add lights from other rooms: Select Add more lights > select a room and then select the lights and assign light levels.
    • To save and exit, press  back.

  6. To configure tunable lights, select the color control.

    • Tunable White settings: Select  Tunable white and then set the color temperature or select Use baseline settings. The baseline settings are defined in the settings for the lights. For details, refer to Settings.

      To set all lights in the room to the same settings, select Set all lights in this room to use these settings. These settings are retained only while the scene is created. The previous settings are restored when the lights are turned off and then on again.

    • Color tunable settings: Select  Full color tuning and then set the Hue, Saturation, and Color temperature or select Use baseline settings. The baseline settings are defined in the settings for the lights. For details, refer to Settings.

      To set all lights in the room to the same settings, select Set all lights in this room to use these settings. These settings are retained only while the scene is created. The previous settings are restored when the lights are turned off and then on again.

  7. To show the scene in other rooms, select Scene visibility and then select the rooms. To save and exit, press  back.

  8. To set the fade time, select Fade time and then select a duration. To save and exit, press  back.

  9. Select Save.

Edit a Scene

To edit a lighting scene:

  1. Open the  Scenes menu. If prompted, enter the Advanced User Password.

  2. Select Edit.

  3. Select a scene.

  4. To rename, add lights, show in other rooms, and set the fade time, refer to steps 4 through 8 in Create a Scene.

Delete a Scene

  1. Open the  Scenes menu. If prompted, enter the Advanced User Password.

  2. Select Edit.

  3. To delete a scene, do one of the following:

    • Partially swipe the scene to the left to open the delete menu and then select  Delete.

    • Fully swipe the scene to the left.

    • Select a scene and then select  Delete this scene.

Reorder Scenes

The default scene order is alphabetical.

To reorder lighting scenes:

  1. Open the  Scenes menu. If prompted, enter the Advanced User Password.
  2. Select Reorder.

  3. To reorder the scenes, do either of the following:

    • Drag the handle for a scene and drop it in the desired spot.

    • Select  Default order to place the scenes in alphabetical order.