myCrestron RMS Services

Use the MyCrestron RMS Services screen to restore saved configuration files and to send message logs to the cloud.

To view the myCrestron Services screen, select System Settings Icon Settings > myCrestron RMS Services.

Tip: The Registration Code, MAC Address, and a link to the myCrestron Residential Monitoring Service web page are provided to assist with registration. A registration code and MAC address is required to register the Crestron Home processor with the myCrestron Residential Monitoring Service.

To register the processor with the myCrestron Residential Monitoring Service, refer to myCrestron Residential Monitoring Service.

Configuration Backups

The Crestron Home system automatically backs up the system configuration and log files and stores them in the myCrestron Residential Monitoring Service.

System configuration backups contain settings for the control system, devices, and drivers that are required to completely restore the system; including third-party driver settings that are stored in the /user/Data/ThirdParty/ folder.

Show System Usage Metrics

NOTE: This function is no longer supported. The Track System Usage option was removed in Crestron Home OS version 3.005.0074.

Create Backups

Create backups of the current system logs or system configuration or create a backup and save it as a Golden Configuration.

Send Current Log

Back up logs to the myCrestron Residential Monitoring Service. The log backup includes the system-level persistent logs (plogs) and Crestron Home app logs. The plogs include information related to the system, such as memory usage, processes, and system errors and the Crestron Home app logs include information related to the system usage, such as button presses and device reports.

To back up the logs, select Send Current Log and then OK.

NOTE: To access logs, the Crestron Home processor must be added to the myCrestron Residential Monitoring Service.

Restore a System Configuration

NOTE: The backups are sorted by date and time. The Golden Configuration is marked with a star icon and appears at the top of the Available Configuration Files to Restore menu.

To restore a system configuration:

  1. In the Available Configuration Files to Restore menu, select a configuration. The current firmware version of the control processor is displayed above the menu. Each configuration lists the date, time, and firmware version of the backup.

    To restore a backup, the firmware version of the backup must be equal to or lower than the system version. Firmware versions 3.014.0087 or lower are displayed as unknown.

    • Green Check Icon: Backup version is equal to or lower than the system version.
    • Gray ? Icon: Backup version is unknown.
    • Red ! Icon: Backup version is higher than the system version and cannot be restored until the system firmware is upgraded.
  2. To restore the configuration, select and hold Continue for 3 seconds. The configuration is downloaded and then applied to the system. When complete, the control processor restarts.

To return to the previous screen, tap  Back.