Manage Licenses

The Crestron Virtual Control licensing model is similar to a traditional hardware purchase model: purchase a specified number of room licenses (VC‑4‑ROOM), and the Crestron Virtual Control installation will run the number of rooms purchased. Each room license also includes one software mobility license (SW‑MOBILITY) that enables functionality for various Crestron software solutions.

The number of rooms that may be run on the Crestron Virtual Control server is based on the number of purchased licenses. The Crestron Virtual Control server has an initial 90‑day grace period, during which a maximum number of 500 rooms may be run. After the grace period expires, existing rooms may no longer be run, and new rooms may not be added to the server until the appropriate licenses are purchased.


  • The VC-4-PC-3 includes three room licenses that must be applied and does not provide a 90-day grace period.

  • The VC-4-SERVER-25 includes 25 room licenses that must be applied and does not provide a 90-day grace period.

For Crestron Virtual Control installations that will interface with BACnet network/IP based equipment, an SW‑VC4‑BN‑1000 license is also available that enables support for up to 1000 BACnet objects per license.

Crestron Virtual Control provides two licensing options: online licensing via the XiO Cloud® service, or offline licensing via the USB‑OFFLINE dongle. Each licensing mode is covered in the following sections.